18 Top Mistakes when Choosing, Using and Caring for Chainsaw Chaps and Pants

No one likes making mistakes and when it comes to caring for, choosing or wearing your chainsaw protection, that is no exception. Making any mistake can leave room for error and given chainsaw chaps and pants have the potential to save your life – it is important you get it right.

For those operating in the professional tree care industry – whether you are a seasoned arborist, experienced groundie or in charge of procuring safety for your crew, you will no doubt be familiar with chainsaw protection.
In this post we will provide 18 examples of common mistakes that can occur when choosing, using and caring for chainsaw chaps and pants and some tips on how you can avoid making these mistakes.

Paired with education and good technique, chainsaw PPE can help save your life.

Why is chainsaw protection important?

A chainsaw operator has three lines of defence: education, good technique, and personal protective equipment (PPE). When the first two fail, PPE can save your life.

The thought of chainsaw injuries resulting in death is very confronting. In 2012, 243 workers died while engaging in tree-trimming and clearing activities (OSHA, 2012). The impact chainsaw injuries can have on a business is huge. Not only can it look unprofessional, but there is also lost income and it can hinder ability to carry out future jobs efficiently. In most instances, serious injury or fatality as a result of a chainsaw can all be prevented with the use of PPE. So, what are the 18 Top Mistakes with Choosing, Using and Caring for Chainsaw Chaps and Pants?

Continue reading “18 Top Mistakes when Choosing, Using and Caring for Chainsaw Chaps and Pants”

How to Best Maintain and Clean Clogger Chainsaw Pants and Chaps – The Ultimate Guide

Like all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), you should regularly maintain and clean Clogger chainsaw pants and chaps to ensure that they remain fully functional. Regular maintenance will also extend the life of your Clogger chainsaw protective apparel.

Clogger products use a range of advanced textiles and fibres that have various finishes and coatings. These all have different properties that need to be considered and understood carefully.

This guide provides users of Clogger chainsaw protective apparel comprehensive advice on how to clean, maintain and inspect your Clogger gear so that you get the most out of your investment.

Looking for a quick guide? Check out this post.

Continue reading “How to Best Maintain and Clean Clogger Chainsaw Pants and Chaps – The Ultimate Guide”

Taking Care of Your Chainsaw Pants and Chaps – A Quick Guide

For most of our clothes, cleaning is a pretty common practice.

For some clothes, we make an exception such as jeans, coats or the ones made with natural fibers like merino.

But what about your chainsaw pants and chaps?

Will washing increase, decrease or have no effect on the protection you will have from your chainsaw pants and chaps?

How should you wash and dry them?

How to take care of your chainsaw pants and chaps?

No worries, we have all your answers here. And if there isn’t, just leave a comment below and we will get back to you!

We also have created an Ultimate Guide post on how to best maintain, clean and repair your chainsaw pants and chaps going into a lot (maybe too much!) detail. 

Continue reading “Taking Care of Your Chainsaw Pants and Chaps – A Quick Guide”