The Gen 2 Zero Chainsaw Pants – What’s new?

The Gen 2 Zero Chainsaw Pants are now available for purchase.

And we’re all pretty excited about this launch at Clogger.

We’ve been working on the Zero Gen 2 for months. Getting all the feedback we could on the first generation of the Zero chainsaw pants and thinking how we could improve them. We tested multiple fabrics to make sure this model would be more durable and sent the new Zero to some Arborists to trial.

The main objective was to make them tougher and more durable. We’ve made the changes and to put them to the test under real-life work pressure. The Gen 2 Zeros passed every test that we could think of. And voilà. The Gen 2 Zero is now on the shelf!

But, before getting it, you might wonder: what’s new about the Gen 2 Zero Chainsaw Pants?

Here’s the quick summary.

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