Understanding Fatigue in Arborists’ Lives: More Than Just Working with Trees

Arboriculture, an essential yet often misunderstood profession. It involves much more than just caring for and maintaining trees. Arborists, the true guardians of our urban and rural environments, face unique challenges that deeply affect their well-being and safety.

Many of us will never have to work through as many challenges on a daily basis as these men and women do.

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Leg Length is More Important than You Might Think

When it comes to finding the ideal pair of chainsaw pants, one aspect that often goes unnoticed is the leg length. And when many brands of chainsaw protective legwear offer it, it is surprising how many people overlook the importance of this feature. It’s a small feature and not even really observable (apart from the excessive bunching when they are too long), but it does have a big impact.

Ready to dive into our explainer?

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