A Talk in the Trees with…Dale Thomas

This week we fire some questions at the New Zealand Champion climber, Dale Thomas. Dale is kept busy with his company, NWA (Nor West Arb Auckland), as well as Kiwi Klimbers, makers of some very cool equipment. In between all the work and surfing, we managed to catch up with Dale…

1. I became an arborist because...
I was working at a gas station & was the owner of a car with many dings.

2. My favourite tree is…
In the back of the truck already… BOOM

3. I won’t leave home without…
Brixton, my pup.

4. The perfect day at work would include…
Mid Feb – good coffee to start. Rigging down a big gummy with some close mates. Hell banter on the coms. A cheeky surf during an extended lunch break. Well earned cold beer to wash the saw dust down while making fun of the apprentice’s bum fluff goatee.

5. The worst part of my job is...
NZ winter = RAIN

6. The best slice of wisdom I can pass on is...
Climb high and Cut true (cheers K-bone)

7. If I could hang out in a tree with one person (past/present/living/dead), it would be…
The notorious BIG. Would look funny in a harness.

8. The one tree I’d like to climb is…
The one tree hill pine back in the day.

9. If I wasn’t an arborist I’d be a…
Product developer / 3d design engineer.

10. True Tale or Tall Tale? Once upon a time I…
Fell off a crane hook and rag dolled 12m through a gum tree to the ground.

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